Building the future: The rise of Green Real Estate

December 13, 2023

The world of real estate is witnessing a transformative movement towards sustainability. Green real estate, characterized by its minimal environmental footprint and resource-efficient operations, is rapidly becoming more than just an option; it’s a necessity for a sustainable future. This blog dives deep into the essence of green real estate, exploring its comprehensive benefits, the challenges it addresses, and its crucial role in shaping our world for the better. From innovative construction practices to the integration of cutting-edge technologies, green real estate is redefining our built environment, prioritizing sustainability without sacrificing functionality or aesthetic appeal.

Defining Green Real Estate

Green real estate, also known as sustainable or eco-friendly real estate, refers to the practice of creating and managing properties that are environmentally responsible and resource-efficient throughout their lifecycle. This concept encompasses a wide array of practices, from the construction of new buildings to the retrofitting and efficient management of existing structures. At its core, green real estate is about reducing the environmental impact of buildings while enhancing the health and well-being of their occupants.

The International Energy Agency reports that buildings and construction are responsible for 36% of global energy use and 39% of energy-related carbon dioxide emissions annually. Green real estate aims to significantly reduce these figures by integrating sustainability into every facet of building design, construction, and operation.

The evolution of Green Building practices

The evolution of green building practices has been a journey from rudimentary eco-conscious efforts to sophisticated, technology-driven strategies. In the early stages, green building was often an afterthought, limited to the use of recycled materials and basic energy-saving measures. However, the growing awareness of climate change and environmental degradation, coupled with advancements in technology and stricter regulations, has significantly transformed the field.

This transformation is evident in the rising popularity and global adoption of green building standards like LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design), developed by the U.S. Green Building Council, and BREEAM (Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method) in the UK. According to the Dodge Construction Network, as of now, 28% of all respondents report that most of their building projects qualify as green, and 42% anticipate being at that level within the next three years. This expansion represents a 50% increase in the group engaging in green building.

Key features of Green Buildings

Green buildings are characterized by several key features:

  • Energy efficiency: One of the primary goals of green real estate is to reduce energy consumption. This is achieved through various means, such as using high-efficiency HVAC systems, LED lighting, and advanced building insulation. The U.S. Department of Energy highlights that buildings with green certifications save about 25% more energy than non-certified buildings.
  • Use of sustainable materials: Green buildings incorporate materials that are sustainably sourced, recycled, or both. This includes the use of reclaimed wood, recycled metal, and low-VOC (Volatile Organic Compounds) paints, which contribute to better indoor air quality and overall environmental sustainability.
  • Water efficiency: These buildings also focus on reducing water usage through fixtures like low-flow toilets and faucets, and technologies for rainwater harvesting and wastewater recycling. According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), green buildings typically reduce water usage by 15-20%.
  • Quality indoor environment: Green real estate prioritizes the health and comfort of its occupants. This involves ensuring optimal indoor air quality, access to natural light, and the use of non-toxic building materials.
  • Renewable energy sources: The integration of renewable energy sources, such as solar panels and wind turbines, is a hallmark of green buildings. The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) reported that renewable energy capacity increased by 7.4% in 2019, reflecting the growing emphasis on clean energy in building practices.
  • Smart building technologies: Advanced technologies like building automation systems, which optimize heating, ventilation, air conditioning, and lighting, are increasingly common in green real estate. These systems not only enhance energy efficiency but also improve the overall functionality and comfort of the building.

Benefits of Green Real Estate

Green real estate represents a paradigm shift in how we view and interact with our built environment. It's an approach that not only benefits the planet but also offers economic and health advantages, making it a compelling choice for the future of construction and real estate development.

Environmental benefits: 

  • Reduced energy consumption: Green buildings are designed to use less energy for heating, cooling, lighting, and other operations. According to the U.S. Green Building Council, green buildings are expected to reduce energy use by 50-60% by 2050.
  • Lower greenhouse gas emissions: By reducing reliance on fossil fuels and integrating renewable energy sources like solar and wind power, green buildings contribute significantly to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. A study by the Global Alliance for Buildings and Construction found that green buildings could potentially reduce global CO2 emissions by 84 gigatonnes by 2050.
  • Sustainability: Green real estate promotes the use of sustainable materials and resources, minimizing environmental degradation. This includes the responsible sourcing of materials and efficient use of water, which is becoming increasingly important in water-scarce regions.

Economic advantages: 

  • Increased property value and market demand: Green buildings often command higher rental rates and property values. A study by the World Green Building Council revealed that green buildings could achieve up to 7% higher asset values than conventional buildings. The growing market demand for sustainable living and working spaces makes green real estate an attractive investment.
  • Lower operating and maintenance costs: Green buildings are designed to be more efficient and require less maintenance, leading to lower operating costs over the building's life cycle. A report by Dodge Data & Analytics found that owners of green buildings saw a 14% increase in ROI compared to traditional buildings.

Social Impact: 

  • Healthier living environments: Green buildings are designed with a focus on improving indoor environmental quality, which includes better air quality, more natural light, and reduced exposure to toxins. The Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health found that occupants in green-certified buildings reported 26% higher cognitive function scores, 30% fewer sickness-related absences, and 6% higher sleep quality scores than those in non-green buildings.
  • Community well-being: Green real estate contributes to the broader goal of sustainable urban development. Sustainable building practices often incorporate community-oriented features such as public green spaces, pedestrian-friendly designs, and amenities that promote social interaction and accessibility. These features enhance the livability of neighbourhoods and contribute to the social fabric of communities.
  • Educational and awareness opportunities: Green buildings often serve as educational tools, raising awareness about sustainable living practices. They can inspire and inform the public and policymakers about the benefits of green design, leading to more widespread adoption of sustainable practices.

Green certifications and standards

The growing importance of sustainability in the built environment has given rise to a range of green certifications and standards. These benchmarks not only signify a building's environmental performance but also influence its market value and appeal.

Overview of Green Certifications

Several green certifications have emerged as leaders in the industry:

  1. LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design): Developed by the U.S. Green Building Council, LEED is one of the most widely recognized green building certification systems globally. It assesses buildings across multiple categories, including energy efficiency, water usage, air quality, and material selection.
  2. BREEAM (Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method): Originating in the UK, BREEAM is another prominent international sustainability assessment method. It evaluates the environmental, social, and economic sustainability of buildings.
  3. NABERS (National Australian Built Environment Rating System): NABERS is an Australian rating system that measures the environmental performance of buildings and tenancies, focusing on energy efficiency, water usage, waste management, and indoor environment quality.
  4. Green Mark: Developed by the Building and Construction Authority of Singapore, Green Mark is a green building framework for tropical climates, assessing buildings on their environmental impact and performance.
  5. Other certifications: Around the world, various other certifications exist, such as the German DGNB, Passivhaus standard for energy efficiency and HQE in France, each with a unique set of criteria tailored to their respective environmental concerns and regulatory frameworks. Additional certifications like WELL and Living Building Challenge focus on aspects like occupant health and holistic sustainability, respectively, adding to the diverse landscape of green building standards.

Green Real Estate technologies

The advancement of technology has been a game-changer in the realm of green real estate, propelling the industry towards a more sustainable and efficient future. From harnessing renewable energy sources to leveraging smart systems, technology is at the heart of modern green building practices.

Innovative technologies driving green real estate

Several innovative technologies have emerged as key drivers in the green real estate sector:

  1. Rooftop solar: Solar panels are the most recognizable and widely adopted green technology. They offer a clean, renewable source of energy by converting sunlight into electricity. According to the International Energy Agency (IEA), solar power is one of the fastest-growing renewable energy sources, with an average annual growth rate of 24% over the past five years.
  2. Smart building systems: These systems encompass a range of technologies that automate and optimize building operations. They include advanced HVAC systems, automated lighting, energy-efficient appliances, and smart meters that adjust based on real-time occupancy and environmental conditions. The U.S. Department of Energy notes that smart building technologies can lead to energy savings of up to 35%.
  3. Green roofs and walls: Green roofs and living walls are becoming increasingly popular in urban environments. They provide natural insulation, reduce stormwater runoff, and improve air quality. A study by the National Research Council of Canada found that green roofs can reduce the need for air conditioning by up to 75%.
  4. Rainwater harvesting systems: These systems collect and store rainwater for reuse, significantly reducing a building's reliance on municipal water supplies and its overall water footprint.

The role of data analytics

Data analytics is a powerhouse in the green real estate sector, driving significant improvements in building performance:

  • Energy usage insights: By analyzing energy consumption patterns within your building management systems, data analytics can identify inefficiencies and areas for improvement. This is crucial in reducing operational costs and minimizing environmental impact.
  • Predictive maintenance: Advanced analytics enables predictive maintenance strategies, identifying potential issues before they become costly repairs.
  • Occupant behavior analysis: Data analytics can monitor and adapt to occupant behavior, further enhancing energy efficiency and comfort.
  • Continuous improvement: Continuous monitoring and analysis facilitate ongoing improvements in building performance, ensuring that green buildings remain at the forefront of sustainability.

CIM’s PEAK Platform exemplifies the power of analytics in green real estate. By integrating building intelligence and machine learning, it provides actionable insights for property teams. It helps in monitoring energy usage, predicting maintenance needs, and ensuring efficient operation, thereby enhancing a building's sustainability profile.

The role of Green Real Estate in net zero goals

The pursuit of net zero targets – reducing greenhouse gas emissions to as close to zero as possible – is a global imperative. In this context, green real estate plays a crucial role, acting as both a contributor to and a solution for reducing carbon emissions. The building sector, as a significant emitter of greenhouse gases, has a pivotal part to play in achieving these net zero goals.

How Green Buildings contribute to reducing emissions

Green buildings make a significant contribution to emission reduction in several ways:

  • Energy efficiency: One of the primary ways green buildings contribute to emission reduction is through energy efficiency. Features like improved insulation, energy-efficient windows, and the use of renewable energy sources significantly reduce the amount of energy required for heating, cooling, and powering buildings.
  • Sustainable materials: The use of sustainable and recycled materials in construction reduces the emissions associated with manufacturing and transportation. For instance, the use of recycled steel or sustainably harvested timber can significantly reduce the carbon footprint of a building.
  • Innovative design: Green buildings often incorporate innovative designs that reduce energy needs, such as natural ventilation, solar orientation, and green roofs, which provide insulation and absorb CO2.

Green real estate is integral to achieving global net zero targets. Efficient buildings play a vital role in reducing global emissions, with the International Energy Agency highlighting the importance of energy-efficient buildings in meeting climate goals. Collective efforts in the real estate sector are crucial for meaningful environmental impact. The collective action of stakeholders, supported by appropriate policies and investments, can significantly accelerate the transition towards a sustainable and environmentally responsible real estate sector.


Green real estate emerges as a powerful agent of change, offering a path to environmental conservation while maintaining economic viability and social responsibility. This sector's growth signifies a collective acknowledgment of our responsibility towards the planet and future generations. By investing in and supporting green real estate, developers, investors, and consumers play a pivotal role in this transformative movement. The journey to a sustainable future is long and complex, but with the continued evolution and adoption of green real estate practices, we move closer to a world where our built environment exists in harmony with nature.

Ready to elevate your property's sustainability? 

Start your journey towards green building excellence with PEAK today!

Kateryna Dmytriyeva
December 13, 2023