Webinar: The Power of Data Analytics in Delivering Asset Optimisation

May 13, 2021

The industrial sector is responsible for 25% of the world's carbon emissions, yet reducing the CO2 from large industrial sites has typically been very difficult and expensive, until now. Good data analytics technology is changing the game, helping site operations teams optimise their HVAC assets for peak operational performance to achieve sustainability and OPEX reduction targets, without compromising on thermal compliance (i.e. validated spaces) or equipment uptime. Watch the webinar to:

  • Find out what issues data analytics help resolve for large industrial sites
  • Learn how several high-tech tier 1 manufacturing sites in Ireland are using data to drive transformative change
  • Discover what a good building data analytics solution entails, and how it should deliver a smarter, faster and more cost effective approach to tackling climate change on industrial sites.