Rectifying overnight operation drives 33% energy reduction

April 14, 2023


Soon after the PEAK Platform was deployed at a Grade A office asset in Glasgow city, a number of efficiency-driving wins were actioned. One area that is often overlooked without the correct monitoring is the excessive out-of-hours operation of plant and equipment. The PEAK Platform is able to instantly identify any opportunities for corrective action to time scheduling, with PEAK Charts verifying via such data points as positive fan speed, pressure and unit status readings.


The site's Facilities Manager was alerted via PEAK to the overnight operation of a number of WC extract fans and fan coil units (FCU's). The FM carried out a review of the BMS time schedules to discover several time zones were not correctly set. Some were set to enable the FCUs at 3am, while others were running 24 hours and even during the weekend. This in turn was enabling the WC extract fans and the 2 main AHU's.


All time zones were promptly corrected to normal operating hours. As a result of this seemingly simple corrective action, the main plant's overall energy usage has dropped by more than 33% - a huge win for the building's sustainability and cost efficiency.
